Rhythm Masters Improvisation

Rhythm Masters / Improvisation

Project: Six Additional Improvisation “Count Off” Audios Using the G minor/Bb Major Blues Scale

                The next lesson will work equally well for an ensemble, or a series of independent improvisation projects.  The six songs included are arranged in a variety of styles, four are “rock” and two are “swing”.  The students simply improvise the entire song after a brief introduction (to establish the tempo and style).  There are many opportunities for solos in each song, so two or three soloists alternating will give each two or more opportunities to perform.  In the case of a larger ensemble, or full band, you can go around the room giving different students a chance to improvise until the solos “run out”.  While soloing, students should use the “Blues Clock” (or other improvisation tool) to reinforce confidence until the blues scale used is completely memorized. The “rock” songs work well with the single blues clock the “swing” charts can use the single or “3 Ring” blues clock, depending how “advanced” the performers are.

                If you are using this assignment for “independent projects, you might consider letting each performer select which song they would like to do.  Once again this could work fine with a single soloist, or two to three friends getting together taking turns.  The “Count Offs” track is superimposed, signaling when the participants start and switch turns.  I will announce when the final soloist’s turn is coming up.  If you have not introduced “cadenzas” yet, “Welcome Back” has an opportunity to do so.  This would also be an excellent time to present to your students one or more FREE recording and editing apps, software or web sites.  The most common one people are aware of is “Audacity”, but you need to be sure, whatever device your children are using, they can access it on their devices.  Other possibilities I have used and would recommend for consideration include “Red Cool Media Editor”, “bandlab.com”, and “Garage Band” for IOS devices.  Do not forget, the i-phone with “Garage Band” (a free app) is a very powerful tool, with a surprising good built in microphone.

"Air Guitar" Count Offs

"Chocolate Sundae" Count Offs