Rhythm Masters Improvisation

Rhythm Masters / Improvisation

The Berkeley County 7th and 8th Grade "Improvisation Club"

"Jammin' with the Pros" Project 2022

            This is the second year for the Berkeley County School District Improvisation Club.  Its membership comes from 7 & 8th-grade students who are interested members of this year’s All-County Honors Jazz Band and 7th-grade members from last year’s club.  The original purpose of this site was to allow club members to access solos performed/recorded by their friends, listen to each of their solos, critique what they hear, and maintain a record of all of each soloist’s performances to observe any and all progress made since we began in February of 2022.   All recordings are held virtually, online, and the students recorded their solos using their school chrome books (which have their advantages and disadvantages).

            We continued with the “Jammin’ with the Pros’ project (launched last year), both with the recordings the students improvised with and also bringing in professional guest musicians to “jam” with club members.  All solo listings in the top section indicate participation with a professional jazz musician, who is listed first and leads off soloing.  I hope to expand the number of professional musicians I can get to play with the students (it is so exciting to watch and listen to), but time is short.  I felt last year’s club made a tremendous amount of progress in that short span since starting, and I hope that this year’s club accomplishes that same degree of success.  Thank you for listening.


Rich Moon

Date                         Song Title                                                       Mix                    Performing Artist(s) 

05/12                “Smooth”                                                                                         Grayson B. & Avery J.

05/12                “Drug Free Me”                                                    #1                      Avery J. & Grayson B.

05/12                “Drug Free Me”                                                    #2                      Grayson B. & Avery J.

05/11                “I Don’t Do Drugs”                                                #1                      Eva W. & Arianna S.

05/11                “I Don’t Do Drugs”                                                #2                      Arianna S. & Eva W.  

05/11                 “Fly”  (“Fly Like an Eagle”)                                 #1                      Wyatt J.  Angello Q.  & Dominic R.   (3 way)

05/11                 “Fly”  (“Fly Like an Eagle”)                                 #2                      Angello Q.  Dominic R.  &  Wyatt J.   (3 way)

05/10                 “Night Train Blues”                                             #1                      Joshua O & Sam C.

05/10                  “Night Train Blues”                                            #2                      Sam C. & Joshua O.

05/09                  “Shark CAGE”                                                     #1                      Rosie L. & Kris McG.

05/09                  “Shark CAGE”                                                     #2                       Kris McG. & Rosie L.   

05/09                  “Blues Infusion”                                                 #1                       Freddy P. & Isabella C.

05/09                  “Blues Infusion”                                                 #2                       Isabella C. & Freddy P.

05/09                  “Blues Infusion”                                                #1                       Freddy P. Solo Performance

05/09                  “Blues Infusion”                                                #2                       Freddy P.  Solo Performance

04/28                  “Blues Rap”                                                        #1                       Kris McG. & Sam C.

04/28                  “Blues Rap”                                                        #2                      Sam C. & Kris McG.

04/27                  “Tidal Wave”                                                      #1                      Grayson B. & Arianna S.

04/27                 “Tidal Wave”                                                       #2                      Arianna S. & Grayson B.

04/27                  “Blue Magic Wombat”                                      #1                      Wyatt J. & Rosie L.

04/27                  “Blue Magic Wombat”                                      #2                      Rosie L. & Wyatt J.
04/26                  “Viva Valentine”                                                #1                      Eva W. & Angello Q.

04/26                  “Viva Valentine”                                                #2                     Angello Q. & Eva W.

04/25                  “We Rock”                                                           #1                     Joshua O. & Avery J.

04/25                  “We Rock”                                                           #2                     Avery J. & Joshua O.

04/06                  “Rubber Baby Buggy Bumper”                                                 Eva W. & Isabell C.

04/05                  “Rockin’ Raptor”                                                 #1                    Feddie P. & Kris McG.

04/05                  “Rockin’ Raptor”                                                 #2                    Kris McG. & Freddie P.

04/05                  “CAGE Full O’ Blues”                                         #1                     Angello Q. & Avery J.
04/05                  “CAGE Full O’ Blues”                                          #2                     Avery J. & Angello Q.

03/23                  “Pick Up Your Feet”                                            #1                     Isabella C. & Eva W.

03/23                  “Pick Up Your Feet”                                            #2                     Eva W. & Isabella C.

03/23                  “Pick Up Your Feet”                                            #3                     Eva W. & Isabella C.

03/22                  “Blitzen’s Boogie”                                                #1                     Angello Q. & Sam C.

03/22                  “Blitzen’s Boogie”                                                #2                     Sam C. & Angello Q.

03/10                    “Red and Blue”                                                                             Grayson & Josh O.

03/10                     “Crusin'”                                                                                        Sam C. & Avery J.

03/09                     “T.G.I.F.”                                                              #1                      Eva W. & Freddie P.

03/09                     “T.G.I.F.”                                                              #2                      Freddie P. & Eva W.

03/09                     “Swingin’ Hard”                                                   #1                      Dominic R. & Angello Q.

03/09                     “Swingin’ Hard”                                                   #2                      Angello Q. & Dominic R.

03/09                  “Its Never Over Until the Fat Lady Sings”         #1                      Rosie L. & Isabella C.

03/09                   “Its Never Over Until the Fat Lady Sings”        #2                      Isabella C. & Rosie L.

03/08                    “Put On Your Shoes”                                           #1                      Wyatt J. & Dominic R.

03/08                    “Put On Your Shoes”                                           #2                      Dominic R. & Wyatt J.

03/08                     “C. Jam Blues”                                                     #1                      Arianna S. & Kris McG.

03/08                     “C. Jam Blues”                                                      #2                     Kris McG. & Arianna S.

02/17                     “Rock Fourth”                                                                                  Sam C. & Grayson B.

02/17                     “Chocolate Sundae”                                             #1                      Eva W. & Avery J.

02/17                     “Chocolate Sundae”                                              #2                     Avery J. & Eva W.

02/16                     “Welcome Back”                                                     #1                     Freddie P. & Rosie L.

02/16                     “Welcome Back”                                                     #2                     Rosie L. & Freddie P.

02/16                     “Rock & Roll Valentine”                                         #1                     Arianna S. & Rosie L.

02/16                     “Rock & Roll Valentine”                                         #2                     Rosie L. & Arianna S.

02/15                     “Gruesome Groaner”                                              #1                     Angello Q. & Kris McG.

02/15                     “Gruesome Groaner”                                              #2                     Kris McG. & Angello Q.