Rhythm Masters Improvisation

Rhythm Masters / Improvisation

Garage Band "Tracks"

"Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star"

“Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star”
a student’s first experience playing a song in Garage Band.
Applicable for grades Kindergarten and up.
*How to locate items on an i-Pad using labeled “screen shots”.
*Introduction and how to set up the “grey keyboard”(or alternate piano).
*How to use Garage Band’s “keyboard “road maps”

Click on image on the right.

"Bad to the Bone"

“Bad to the Bone” / George Thorggod and the “Destroyers”

  • Setting up i-Pads to use files from Garage band “Loops” audio library.
  • Review setting up the “grey keyboard”.
  • Setting up and using “smart guitar” in Garage Band
  • Introduction to improvisation using a smart guitar “street map”.
  • How to use “keyboard maps” with their “counting sheets”.
  • How to alternate bass guitar sequences on a “grey keyboards” in Garage Band. 

Click on image on the right.

"We Will Rock You"

       * Students begin to “sight read” using the grey keyboard “Key Sequence Maps”.

       * Introduction to “multiple part” playing using Garage Band instruments.

       * Setting up and using “Smart Piano” (with “smart bass”) in Garage Band.

       * Introduction to the “Keyboard Overlay Sheet”.

       * How to follow a Smart Keyboard “Key Sequence Map”.

       * Setting up and using Drum “Kits” and Drum Machines in Garage Band.

Click on image on the right.

"Pachabel Canon"

        * Developing ensemble and balance concepts in Garage Band.

        * Review setting up “Smart Piano / Bass” and easy sight reading using that screen.

        * Setting up and using “Smart Strings” in Garage Band.

         * Introduction to “leveled” key sequence maps and more advanced keyboard material.

         * Can easily extract and edit for your own personalized technology curriculum.

"Get Ready For This"

          * Exploring multiple counting systems, (Ex.) “Rhythm Shapes”, “Thumb Counting” ect…

          * Introduction to (and use of) a “Counting Time Line”.

          * Transitioning key sequence maps from “thumb” to “traditional” counting.

          * Optional “Bucket Percussion Ensemble” parts.

          * Setting up and using “Smart Bass” in Garage Band.

          * Combining multiple Garage Band instruments (covered so far) for music class or                           performance.

"House of the Rising Sun"

                 “House of the Rising Sun” / the “Animals” (as performed by “Rage”)

* Integrating a traditional keyboard (electric piano) part reading with i-Pad key    sequence maps.

* Modeling the use of “layered parts” and “ostinatos” to make simple components appear very advanced.

* An opportunity to explore “special effects” available on the keyboard and i-Pad.

* Presentation of full keyboard ensemble score with “Finale Playback” file and recording of a “sketch” version performed by the Goodwin Elementary School’s 4th & 5th Grade Performing Keyboard Ensemble.

* At the bottom is a cumulative keyboard ensemble repertoire list of arrangements for students ranging from Kindergarten to 12th Grade and beyond.  Several of these arrangements have already been adapted for just i-Pads or both.

* i-Pad/keyboard arrangements vrs. “sketches” & independent student project option

"Jelly Bean Blues"

“Jelly Bean Blues” K-8 Magazine / For Garage Band Tracks:

* An experimental project designed for “Full School Performance” with keyboards and i-Pads.

* Not only includes “play along” parts, but parts written to feature professional performance soloists to          participate in the performance.

* Suggested “in school field trips” to have your school group with guest soloists & “artists in residence”.

* Using the different “scale formatted” versions of the “grey” keyboard in Garage Band to differentiate project assignments by grade and/or challenge difficulty.

* Play along tracks (for rehearsal purposes at school and at home) for each individual i-Pad and    keyboard part.

* Staging and sound suggestions for the actual performance.


"Cupid Shuffle"

* An example of a song written as a “sketch”.

* Application of a “Smart Bass” sequence map with counting.

* Introduction and possible uses for the “paper” i-Pad as a classroom management aide.

"Chill Out"

/ Example of a resource from “Creative Commons”
* Use of “Creative Commons” as a resource for both i-Pad/Keyboard
arrangements and improvisation (“jam” session) materials.
* Example of electric keyboards and i-Pads integrated into the same “sketch”.
(opt.) An Explanation of the “Transitional Keyboard” concept for teaching keyboards and
improvisation to evolving student musicians.
* Using “color coded” traditional keyboard i-Pad maps.