Rhythm Masters Improvisation

Rhythm Masters / Improvisation

Garage Band's "Find The Icon" Game

               “Garage Band” is the ultimate fusion of music with technology.  Students can experience a more “in-depth” study into music and its fundamentals, along with the physics of sound and the basic workings of a modern recording studio.  I am focusing my attention on the highly efficient and effective use of “Garage Band” to teach and enhance improvisation skills at the beginning and intermediate levels.  Exploring different methods of notation and using “keyboard maps” that help allow students to “decode” and perform songs in music class.  Finally, to arrange a wide variety of music that can be performed with an i-Pad Ensemble or a Keyboard Ensemble, and I eventually hope to combine i-pads and keyboards into “multi-level” performing ensembles where students could seamlessly progress from the very beginning level on the i-pad, through to more proficient levels on the piano.


Richard Moon

Music Teacher

Goodwin Elementary School

  1. Charleston, SC

The “Find This Icon” Game:

            Remembering what various “icons” mean and where they are located in “Garage Band” can be very challenging for young children.  Playing a game using “flash cards” of these pictographs with alternate, or “nicknames” that describe what the icon looks like is almost essential in order to easily communicate their functions and locations with young musicians.  Using these “flash cards” in a competitive “Where’s Waldo” like game in “Garage Band” can be a fun way to introduce children to the app. without overwhelming them.  Following are a series of icon “flash card” I like to use.

"Find the Icon" Game Content List

“Garage Band” Icon Game

     Pg #  Icon Reference Name

  1. My Songs
  2. “+” (the Pulse)
  3. Instrument Selection Screen
  4. Volume Slider
  5. “Mute” Button
  6. “Record” Button
  7. The “Measure” Cursor
  8. “Stop” Button
  9. “Start Over” or “Back to the Beginning”
  10. “Play” Button
  11. “Editing Screen” Icon
  12. Instrument (piano) Screen Icon.
  13. ”Undo” Button
  14. “Audio Recorder” Icon
  15. The “Question Mark”
  16. The “Loops” Icon
  17. “Live Loops” Button
  18. The “Tracks” Button
  19. The “Grid” (in “Live Loops) Icon
  20. The “Metronome” Icon
  21. The “Piggy Back Pianos” Icon 
  22. The “Mixing Board” Icon
  23. The “Settings” Icon (the “wrench”)
  24. The “Scale Format” Button
  25. The “Glissando” and “Scroll” Buttons
  26. The “Octave” Adjuster
  27. The “Sustain” / “Un-Sustain” Buttons
  28. “Special Effects” Icon
  29. The “Arpeggiator”
  30. The “Reverb” Slider
  31. The “Mute” Button
  32. The “Solo” Button
  33. The “Live Loops” Editing Icon
  34. The “Live Loops” Column Activator Button
  35. The “Live Loops” Blank Template Icon
  36. The “Apple Loops” Icon
  37. The “Split” Editing Cursor


"Find the Icon" Game Flash Cards

If you want to print out any, or all icon PDF flash cards.