Rhythm Masters Improvisation

Rhythm Masters / Improvisation

Assignment #36 "Pay Day"


                “Pay Day” has a “bouncy” swing feel in the key of concert “C” major.  After a 4 count drum “mini” introduction, there are eight measures of introduction music on the MP3.  At that point you begin the warm up scales as written on each part.  Note in the second scale phrase, there is a brief “tetra-chord” insert before the third (and final) scale phrase is played, all in whole notes.  From there, two back ground sections can be played supporting soloists, the “A” and “B” sections.  The supporting ensemble can be divided by the three way “divisi” soprano, alto and tenor parts on the top line, and the bass part on the bottom.

                The “A” and “B” cues on the bottom show the actual sequence both the “A” and “B” sections are played in, including the eight bar, MP3 only, introduction.  Note that each of the sections is one four bar repetition of the ensemble parts written above the format sequence listed.  The “ll” in the format “map” indicate “double bar” markings, to indicate the end of the “MP3 only” introduction, as well as the end of the song.

"Pay Day" Resource MP3