Project Title: “Acropolis 7844” in the key of Bb minor
OR with just the Bb minor blues scale:
Instructions: This improvisation assignment is also arranged to double as a “trio combo”. If you are doing it by yourself, play the first part. If you get together with one or two friends, you can then perform it as a duet or trio, taking turns improvising. The improvisation solo follows the standard 12 bar blues format learned earlier, which begins at bar #43 and is played through bar #58. Be sure cut out of the “vamp for solos” at bar #59 to join the full ensemble for the “shout chorus” at that point. You can use the Bb minor blues scale single chord clock, or the “Three Chord Blues Clock” for more “advanced” soloing. Also, instead of marking the chord changes using “Roman Numerals”, I chose to use “chord symbols” instead, to get students used to seeing them. In the attached “playback” recording, the improvisation solo is played three times. There is also another attached MP3 where only the “vamp for solo’s” section is played. This “loop” track offers you many “reps.” to practice your improvising skills in the key of Bb minor (using the I, IV, & V chords), or with just the Bb minor blues scale.
Three Part Score:
Full Score Jazz Band Arrangement:
“Acropolis” Finale Playback Audio File: